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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Naughty nurses always find love in vintage hospital romances

Ok, I collect nurse books. Weird, huh?

For the past 15 years I have sought out those small-storefront, used book stores. You know the kind - the cluttered, cramped, get on your knees places usually run by a nice older lady who has her friends in to sit around, drink coffee and chat the day away. And as I sweep the cobwebs and dust away, I look for any of those vintage titles and covers that have "nurse" in them.

How about the 1967 vintage paperback, Nurse Felicity by Peggy Dern.

Nurse Felicity grew up in the Georgia hill country and watched her father doctor the sick there. She understood the natives and they trusted her. But Felicity loved a strong-willed mountain lawyer who resented her work. Could she forget him and start a new life with young Dr. Aleck Potter, somewhere away from "injun medicine and voodoo withcraft?" Could Nurse Felicity give up her beloved mountain town and childhood sweetheart to marry a young city doctor?

I'm guessing she chooses love.

Or here's the 1968 vintage paperback, The Nurse and the Spying Stranger by Diane Frazer.

Looking out the window of the darkened bedroom, Phyllis noticed movement on the street below. Shadowed movement - the man again, the mysterious stranger. Once again, Phyllis felt a shiver of cold fear sweep over her.

What will Nurse Phyllis do? My guess is - she will fall in love...

And then there's the 1964 vintage paperback - The Candystripers by Rachel Cosgrove. No, it doesn't have nurse in the title but I couldn't pass it up.

Nurse Kay Crosby wanted to forget Dr. Lanny Kirkman - he had jilted her for a Candystriper. But when she was assigned the job of training Candystripers, she was assailed with new doubts. Could she overcome her bitterness toward them? Could she do the job that was expected of her - especially when her new love, Doctor Mike Ralston, met Beth, the prettiest and most alluring of the Candystripers...?

Could it happen again? I need to know.

Many more of these vintage nurse books at my shop Devilishly Vintage - Click to see all of the nurse books.

And if you'd like to share your own nurse story, please leave me a comment - just between me and you ;)

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